Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bostonist: S. End Buttery opens expansion

Last year, a friend of mine told me that her boss, who owns a condo directly above the South End Buttery, was upset to hear that the Buttery would be expanding its space and serving alcohol til 1 a.m. However, the Buttery is now open for dinner, objections or no objections (and despite the fact that the Franklin, right down the street, already serves alcohol and food after-hours for the dining industry crowd).

Is this a victory for small business? A victory for Boston's struggling late-night scene? A victory for those who thrive on expensive sandwiches with fancy jams and require them to be served at all hours? I really have no idea. But it makes me want to walk over to the new space on Shawmut Ave., sit down with my sandwich, set a boombox on my table, and blast "Beastie Boys" til the break of dawn. Just 'cause.


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