Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ham is vegetarian in the Czech Republic.

So my college buddy Christian and his girlfriend Marta left earlier this year to live out one of the most popular fantasies of my generation: moving abroad to teach English. What's more, they headed to the Czech Republic, one of my top Must Visit destinations, as part of my family comes from that area of Europe, and, well, I hear Prague is awesome. I was more than a little envious of their seemingly glamorous plan when they told us about it, even though they also explained that they were choosing this expensive, logistically complex career path only because they had struggled to find other employment in the U.S. (and that was before the sh*t hit the fan with our current economy).

Now they're firmly esconced in Czech life, as evidenced by a new slew of Facebook pictures which I immediately seized upon as a way to experience their adventure vicariously (admit it, you've totes done it too).

One picture in particular, though, made me feel slightly relieved to be here in Boston, where new vegetarian cafes, vegan dessert tastings and raw vegan takeout services are emerging on the regular.

Note the options available to vegetarians here:

1) Fried cheese, cranberries, tartar sauce
2) Fried cheese, tartar sauce
3) Ham.

Too funny.


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