Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bostonist: Craigie On Main Is The Hotness

I hadn't planned to review Craigie on Main this week. In fact, I hadn't planned on going to Craigie on Main again this week. But after seeing Raymond Ost of Sandrine's receive the prestigious Mérite Agricole (akin to knighthood) at the French Consul's residence, Alexis and Christine and I were understandably hungry, and the impending snowstorm pretty much blew us into Craigie. Once there, we were greeted by various friendly food industry folks who were having dinner there (which seems to be a regular occurrence at Craigie), and seated quickly with a prime view of the bar. The bar then became the focus of my review, because Tom Schlesinger-Guidelli, Craigie's resident star bartender, was mixing and mashing like a DJ of bitters and rye and impressing the hell out of everyone. Don't like that semi-cheesy metaphor? Well, I've got a few more for you in the Bostonist piece that followed this visit, viewable here.

My favorite part is this one:

...Tucked away near our seats were the collected works of M.F.K. Fisher (an author who is to food lovers what Nick Hornby is to nerdy record collectors and Stephenie Meyer is to abstinence-loving Mormons). Three drinks in, we found ourselves thumbing through the pages and reading aloud to anyone who would listen, "There is a communion of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine drunk. And that is my answer, when people ask me: why do you write about hunger, and not wars or love..."

You keep a bookshelf at your bar, and put MFK Fisher's collected works in said bookshelf, you're bound to earn my respect. As I said in my post: well played, Craigie, well played.


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